Friday, September 2, 2016

The Mystical Power of the Hair

The Mystical Power of the Hair
And how you can use it for your own benefit

After 3 weeks of  following the recommendations in Mrs. Stankevich’s  general course- Glance Hair Instantly- I started to    see some positive changes in my hair. The hair loss diminished and the itching of my scull became less. I started  to again enjoy looking at myself in the mirror. But the most amazing result is that I started to feel my Hair- I am more and more aware I have Hair! I am kind of developing relationship with my Hair by simply starting to care for it and starting to notice I have it and be grateful for this gift we usually take as granted.
Due to my direct experience with energy healing and the power called energy/prana/ the field- whatever your name for it is- I  became   interested in the mystical, non- physical power we poses  on the top of our head.  Even before meeting Mrs. Stankevich I had some knowledge of the role of the Hair in our spiritual and not physical life.  I have read  articles about the understanding of this power in the tradition of the Christianity this being the reason why women were not allowed to enter  bareheaded the church. Our ancestors understood the natural laws better than we do today. I am grateful to Mrs. Stankevich for helping me remember this aspect of the Hair and its purpose in our lives. What was really new and eye opening for me was  the connection she made between the Hair and the Brain. It never occurred to me that hair and brain are connected yet it is very obvious. Our Hair is the nearest to the brain organ of our body. The roots  of the Hair is just next to our brain. And Nature has done it on purpose! Our Hair is our information channel – it brings the information from our environment direct to the brain for processing and further prompting us to act. To make it more understandable  Mrs. Stankevich compared our brain to a PC and our Hair as it’s wi-fi system. Our Hair is our main informational system. Not surprisingly  there are statements :  “Our Power is in our Hair” and “The Hair changes your fate”. Change  the  relationship with your Hair and change your life. A simple search on Internet proved these statements are not just some  New-Age like mumbo-jumbo but  facts of life  – see  the link below for interesting information about  the Native Americans and why they keep their hair long: