Thursday, June 15, 2017

My progress in pictures

The start

My hair  is lifeless, short, dry and falling down as rain. 

Just as my mood at that time.

Nothing from  what I knew and did  before worked. 

I was depressed and unhappy.

The Mini- Course start

My hair started to live up, as if was thanking  me for finally taking proper care.

And all I did was to implement simple changes
- good shampoo, conditioner and thermal protection
- wooden comb
- special way of  combing my hair

My hair was still weak and dry but it started to GROW!

The Serious work 

My hair is strong, long, shiny and  fels like silk. No hair loss. I dye it with different hair colors, all works.
Less and less dependent on external things, although I use good shampoo, conditioner and thermal protection.
Combing with combs from natural materials.
Doing daily the Structuration  exercises.


 I am  SMILING  πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How to prepare your hair for the summer

Eakterina is in a very sunny mood. Not surprisingly she  prepared a short guide about what to do for you hair in the summer. It is in Russian of course and I will shortly translate what she advises.

Here is what is says:

1. Reevaluate your cosmetics
- trash the old ones
-trash the cheap ones
- trash the SLS containing products

2. Throw away the cheap hair spray and foam
- foam is not good for your hair follicles
- hair spray will dry your hair  and make your hair get worse under the sun

3 Follow daily at least one of the following advises
 as described in  4, 5 6 and 7 

4. Check your nutrition
- make sure you eat enough protein food
- check  your intestinal health and take care of it
- eat oatmeal at least 2-3 times a week 
- drink good quality water

5. Find and save a photo of a  model with  hair you like and hair You want to have. NO need to meditate or visualize on it

6. Chose hair color that makes your soul sing, find same colour in the things you are surrounded by 

7. Smile😊

Have a shiny glossy hair! The one You love and dream of!

Sunny greetings,

And many thanks to Ekaterina, she really made a difference to my hair and not only.