Friday, October 14, 2016

Hair care myths revealed

In search of natural remedies the most common receipts out there come down to using different types of oils- form olive oil to all kind of exotic stuff- for  both hair growth and hair repair.

One of the main reasons for hair problems is the state of your  hair  follicles.  During your life time the hair  follicles stuffed with toxins . Adding more oils is  making them even more stuffed . Add to tis the natural process of polymers creation when using the oils and you end up worse than you start. Using oil masques is not a one-size-fits -it all remedy.  We are all unique and every masque on your hair should be designed for you individually. However the first step is always detoxification of the hair follicles.

Pepper, onion, mustard etc
These are for eating, not to put on your hair. The do not do any good to your hair and any good and are highly damaging.

Vitamins for hair
 We are made to believe vitamins are good for our health. Hence all our food and cosmetics  is “enriched” with vitamins. Result- over vitaminizaiton, which is  as damaging as undervitaminization.    Eat healthy foods and supplement if absolutely necessary.

2.       Scientific  myths
Mesotherapy is one of the biggest myth that has destroyed  many people’s hair  and health.
You hair is next to your brain for a purpose. Its main function is not to keep your head warm and make you look beautiful ( these are only a part of the functional purposes of having hair).Your hair is your brain’s wi-fi, reading the information from the environment and delivering it to the brain. Do you really want  your brain to be poked with needles without  any guarantee for your health? Get at least  a  doctors advise if you  consider this treatment.

Your hair is a mirror. A mirror of how you live , how you combat stress and what is your physical and emotional health. It’s not just a decoration on  your head, it is your main information channel to help you survive and live well in the ever changing world.

Look for the reasons for you hair problems and solve them first before staring poking your head with needles, poring oils  and food on it, and  becoming a  well-paying wallet  for the
 “proven methods "marketing campaigns,

Most of this information is not accessible to the general public. What worked for our grands does not work now as we live in totally different world. And not being a chemist and a cosmetic industry insider makes is impossible to understand what works and what not when you go shopping for that wonder shampoo, masque etc. Hence much more reason to be grateful to people like Mrs. Stankevich who put their knowledge, intuition and passion to help us regain our hair and our strength, as 
"your power is in you hair", be careful with it!

For Russian speaking - You Tube videos with the above information and more:

Interesting article on the subject:

Will continue adding ......

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Detox start

When I signed up for the  HAIR STRUCTURING COURSE (HSC) first thing I received were 16 lessons in theory. I could not wait to open and start reading them. Mrs. Stankevich has chosen to deliver them in written form so that we can go back and extract the information needed. And information there is!

The Theory

Healthy life style
We are holistic beings –  all is connected and no systems exists on it’s own.Nothing new for me in general. 
Yet there are some very interesting accents on what works for the hair.

Surprise-  one of my favorite plays as a little girl is one of the best exercises to stimulate brain. And as we already know- brain is what is  it all about. Our beautiful hair is there to work for and with our brains. Every morning looking at the mirror we are facing this most important truth yet we do not recognize it.

A reminder to me to go more often to concerts- never thought it might have anything to do with the hair, only with the general well being and a pleasure of interacting with art. Again a reminder about our holistic beingness – what is good for the whole is good for the part.

Product section
OMG! There is  so much to read and absorb I got overwhelmed. So much to chose from and what is best for me? Luckily Mrs. Stankevich does not allow anybody to buy products without her personal recommendations. It is a private and personal coaching and treatment and the whole approached is tailored to the individual- to me.

The main function of the hair
As stated many times during her free webinars – the main functional purpose of having hair is not the keep our head warm. Just as we use our arms to fetch and hold things our legs to walk, our eyes to see etc. our hair fulfills the purpose of being information channel. This is the reason it is situated  close to our brains. Every morning this simple truth is looking  at us in the mirror and yet we fail to recognize it and search for solutions in all the wrong directions.

First private session
I expected our  first private meeting with lots of excitement as it had to be the start of my personalized program to get my hair back to healthy glossy state. And the expectations were met- I got  a lot of things to do and work on. 

My biggest surprise was the combination of natural healing tools and advanced products put together to work for me.

Not surprisingly we started with detoxification of my hair follicles and a general detox – all is connected!

Main natural detox ingredient – a product we  all have in our kitchens. I have already been using this product for cleaning old memories from things, yet never thought it might help me do the same for my hair. Now I am on a course of detoxifying my follicles with this common yet unrecognized for its  many functions product.And is is very simple to do.

Sauna detox- we all know sauna is good for health, but I have stopped going to it on my doctors recommendation. I was told it was not god for people who have had cancer treatment. It isn’t! I still have remains from the big C- even I am 12 years  clean and healthy. But going to the sauna advise is not  what you have paid for.   I was given an receipt for a mix of 2 ingredients- all natural, (one I have talked about already) .   The combination of them  in right proportion and the way to use it  is what  makes going to the sauna a healing retreat rather than just a relaxing moment.

After having done the” natural “ part the scientist and chemist came in. 

I was given a range of products to order – all  targeting detox and  growth strengthening goals. Needless to say - they come from the best of the best brand, the one used by Madonna and alike. Luckily they have a  normal priced range of products  that suit my needs and I was able to order them for a reasonable price. Truth is they are not cheap, but very worth the money spent. I am already using one  product from  this brand and the price I paid is more an investment than a buy of a product.

What I ordered at this  stage:
-         Detox shampoo
-         Replenishing masque
-         Root & Scalp stimulator 
-         Intensive boosting product

Of course Mrs. Stankevich explained to me why I need this products and what are they going to do to help my main  information channel called hair work at  its best ( I am starting to think of my hair in a context of its main function). I also want it it be shiny,glossy thick, beautiful and without grey parts. A very ambitious and enjoyable goal to work for.

And the last piece of advice was on buying hair combs and how to choose and use them.
Hair combs must be of natural materials - wood and horn in my case. Wood for the day, horn for the evening for the hair follicles massages. Again- highly personalized advise taking into account not only my hair but also its color. 

My first impression is that Mrs. Stankevich  cares a lot  for her clients. She is freely navigating between natural and hi-tech science methods combined in a structured programme to  achieve the result we signed for.  

I am also grateful to her for not trying to rip me off my money- her consultations could have cost me thousands and she could go for the products of the highest price range but she does not. and she does not sell products- I was free to  buy them from shop that offered best price.

Now it is to me follow on the recommendations given and report to her my progress. 
An enjoyable and exciting path ahead.

My journey begins- recap of the state

I am that far- my private coaching  starts! 

I am going to enjoy it and most of all, to get that perfect glancing shiny hair   Mrs. Srtankevich promising.!

So this is the time to recap my experience up till now and what I have seen and learned from the mini-course and my life.

Here is the picture of how my hair looked like before I started to apply the advises from the mini course:

The condition of my hair can be described by one word: Lifeless.
The hair was not only falling, it was dry and very unpleasant to touch. I was “angry” with myself and my  hair and desperate to do something about it.

In addition to this I was aware my hair condition was a result of my problems , the stress and , most important, how I reacted on stress. I needed deep work on my nervous system  as the main cause of my hair condition.
And  I needed a good and working advise to deal with my hair as all I did up till now was not working anymore.

So with this plan in mind I jumped in the journey to a better hair.

Here is a picture of 3 Months  using the  Mini-course:

I have followed the Mini-course recommendations and my own programme of working with my nervous breakdown.

Here is my Mini-course protocol:
1.         Shampoo and  a masque from a  MLM company (never thought this company has to offer something  so good and special for the hair)
2.       Changed the combs I used
3.       Started to use the “million UDS” advise  on combing your hair from the Mini course ( to most it would sound silly, to me it was and is one of the most valuable advises I could get)
4.       Started to appreciate the fact I have hair and it can turn into more beautiful one with love and proper care

What I did to deal with my stress related problems:
My entire programe  was and is currently based on the teachings of Almine- one of the greatest mystics of our time. At the beginning of my work – somewhere July 2016- I was a 2nd Level practitioner of the sacred healing system Belvaspata.
Despite all problems I had I went on  with my work and in September 2016 I was initiated to a Grand Master.  During this period  worked daily with Belvaspata (BVP)  and  can’t  stop be grateful for all the miracles this systems work for us.

What I did:
1.       One month of Kaanish BVP- purification ad enlightenment  on DNA level. Kaanish clears our cosmic bodies and is  very good for all type of mental/ psychical problems
2.       Full course Aravespi Stra Unat- the BVP for healing the emotional body.  I did all 144 sigils and wheels and the effect on the psychical condition is remarkable. ( is currently on my plans to do it again)
3.       Clearing the meridians – 8 Extraordinary meridians and 12 Main meridians- as part of the Fragrance Alchemy system.  Never thought applying oils can be such a powerful thing- yet these are not ordinary oils.  The most elegant  smell I have ever come to. Designed for alchemical work mainly on the meridians. Using them for physical pain now and exploring more on their use.

4.       Did at least 5 time Birth trauma cleaning from the scull  with the Rose oil ( Mrs. Stankevich told me a birth trauma is related to  the condition of our hair)
             - Currently working with  BVP of  Oneness and after its completion – Krihanash BVP -BVP of the soul  (clearing the 12 meridians with Fragrance alchemy oils and  BVP sigils)

I can’t stop appreciating the tender and powerful energy of BVP and what it did to help me recover and  enjoy life again. Doing it daily with love, gratitude and appreciation to its magic. 

What were the results:
1.       My hair stared to fell less, eventually reaching the normal levels  for a healthy hair

2.       In 2 months of combing my hair as advised I suddenly realized it has grown in length! First time in 10 years my hair is growing again. Can’t believe it! And this despite the common belief about aging and hair growth.

3.       My hair is still dry but feels more live than before

4.       It looks better and stays longer well after washing (washing it every 3 days)

5.       My psychical condition  improved and I am enjoying life no matter what.

6.       I started to feel there is hair on my head, started to love and appreciate it, talk to it and comb it with love and gratitude

I am following all the free webinars of Ekaterina Stankevih and there is always something new to learn.

Most valuable lessons  to remember:
           Hair is not an extension on our head to just keep our scull warm and make us look beautiful. Hair “serves” the brain as a transmitter/ antennae of energy.
2.       Main functional purpose of the hair is to read  the information from the  environment and process it  much quicker and more precise than our logical brain can do.

In an essence- hair is to support us use the whole brain and is to be treated with high respect for this very important role in our life.

Starting from here – already a much better condition I had- I jumped to the BIG COURSE – HAIR STRUCTURING.