Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My journey begins- recap of the state

I am that far- my private coaching  starts! 

I am going to enjoy it and most of all, to get that perfect glancing shiny hair   Mrs. Srtankevich promising.!

So this is the time to recap my experience up till now and what I have seen and learned from the mini-course and my life.

Here is the picture of how my hair looked like before I started to apply the advises from the mini course:

The condition of my hair can be described by one word: Lifeless.
The hair was not only falling, it was dry and very unpleasant to touch. I was “angry” with myself and my  hair and desperate to do something about it.

In addition to this I was aware my hair condition was a result of my problems , the stress and , most important, how I reacted on stress. I needed deep work on my nervous system  as the main cause of my hair condition.
And  I needed a good and working advise to deal with my hair as all I did up till now was not working anymore.

So with this plan in mind I jumped in the journey to a better hair.

Here is a picture of 3 Months  using the  Mini-course:

I have followed the Mini-course recommendations and my own programme of working with my nervous breakdown.

Here is my Mini-course protocol:
1.         Shampoo and  a masque from a  MLM company (never thought this company has to offer something  so good and special for the hair)
2.       Changed the combs I used
3.       Started to use the “million UDS” advise  on combing your hair from the Mini course ( to most it would sound silly, to me it was and is one of the most valuable advises I could get)
4.       Started to appreciate the fact I have hair and it can turn into more beautiful one with love and proper care

What I did to deal with my stress related problems:
My entire programe  was and is currently based on the teachings of Almine- one of the greatest mystics of our time. At the beginning of my work – somewhere July 2016- I was a 2nd Level practitioner of the sacred healing system Belvaspata.
Despite all problems I had I went on  with my work and in September 2016 I was initiated to a Grand Master.  During this period  worked daily with Belvaspata (BVP)  and  can’t  stop be grateful for all the miracles this systems work for us.

What I did:
1.       One month of Kaanish BVP- purification ad enlightenment  on DNA level. Kaanish clears our cosmic bodies and is  very good for all type of mental/ psychical problems
2.       Full course Aravespi Stra Unat- the BVP for healing the emotional body.  I did all 144 sigils and wheels and the effect on the psychical condition is remarkable. ( is currently on my plans to do it again)
3.       Clearing the meridians – 8 Extraordinary meridians and 12 Main meridians- as part of the Fragrance Alchemy system.  Never thought applying oils can be such a powerful thing- yet these are not ordinary oils.  The most elegant  smell I have ever come to. Designed for alchemical work mainly on the meridians. Using them for physical pain now and exploring more on their use.

4.       Did at least 5 time Birth trauma cleaning from the scull  with the Rose oil ( Mrs. Stankevich told me a birth trauma is related to  the condition of our hair)
             - Currently working with  BVP of  Oneness and after its completion – Krihanash BVP -BVP of the soul  (clearing the 12 meridians with Fragrance alchemy oils and  BVP sigils)

I can’t stop appreciating the tender and powerful energy of BVP and what it did to help me recover and  enjoy life again. Doing it daily with love, gratitude and appreciation to its magic. 

What were the results:
1.       My hair stared to fell less, eventually reaching the normal levels  for a healthy hair

2.       In 2 months of combing my hair as advised I suddenly realized it has grown in length! First time in 10 years my hair is growing again. Can’t believe it! And this despite the common belief about aging and hair growth.

3.       My hair is still dry but feels more live than before

4.       It looks better and stays longer well after washing (washing it every 3 days)

5.       My psychical condition  improved and I am enjoying life no matter what.

6.       I started to feel there is hair on my head, started to love and appreciate it, talk to it and comb it with love and gratitude

I am following all the free webinars of Ekaterina Stankevih and there is always something new to learn.

Most valuable lessons  to remember:
           Hair is not an extension on our head to just keep our scull warm and make us look beautiful. Hair “serves” the brain as a transmitter/ antennae of energy.
2.       Main functional purpose of the hair is to read  the information from the  environment and process it  much quicker and more precise than our logical brain can do.

In an essence- hair is to support us use the whole brain and is to be treated with high respect for this very important role in our life.

Starting from here – already a much better condition I had- I jumped to the BIG COURSE – HAIR STRUCTURING.

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