Friday, December 2, 2016

Yogi and Hair

India is a country where Hair is  certainly not seen as only a decoration  on our head. Next tho the Sikhs the Yogis has something to say about Hair  we better pay attention to.

( Bold is mine, the story about men and beard was really a discovery for me:))

Yogic Hair


Human hair regulates the flow of Solar energy into the system. To let Solar energy flow unhindered into our system, it is necessary to grow hair to its full length and take good care of it. Then, the amount of energy that flows down from the Sahasra chakra (thousand petaled seventh chakra in the brain) increases tremendously. Kundalini is activated by the radiant force in the Anahata chakra (solar-plexus) and moves upward in response to the Solar energy comin down. This balances the body center and maintains total equillibrium. If hair is kept unkempt, let loose, down or uncovered, it becomes electrically imbalanced and the natural process of raisin Kundalini gets impeded. Actually, the word hair is so important that the word Kundalini dereives its name from 'Kundala' meanin a coil of hair, also referrin to the three and half coiled serpent power. Hair is best kept uncut and at the top of the head in the form of a Rishi knot over the 'Brahmarandhra' or the solar center. This concentrates solar energy into the pineal gland and encourages the awakenin and risin of Kundalini shakthi that is necessary for liberation.

Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved ’feeler’ or ’antennae’ that transmits vast amounts of important information to the brainstem, the limbic system, and the neo-cortex. Not only does hair in people, includin facial hair in men, provide an information highway reachin the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. This has been seen in Kirlian photography when a person is photographed with long hair and then re-photographed after hair is cut. When hair is cut, receivin and sendin transmissions to and from the environment and cosmos are greatly hampered. This results in numbin-out. The intuitive ability of the person gets greatly diminished. The natural ability of the human system to receive divine vibrations and insights from the cosmos suffer further to cuttin hair on the head, beard or any other part of the body. Cuttin of hair is a contributin factor to unawareness of environmental distress in local ecosystems. It is also a contributin factor to insensitivity in relationships of all kinds. It contributes to sexual frustration.

Accordin to Ayurveda the ancient Hindu medical science, allowin the beard to grow prevents a person from contractin diseases of the throat and of the gums and the respiratory system. While the structure of hair is such that it can trap bacteria, it does not provide any congenial or favourable conditions for their growth and multiplication. On the other hand, shaven skin is one of the best substrata for their survival and multiplication. Shavin, which has to be repeated at least once everyday, invariably results in cuts, some of which are microscopic - and that is all the malignant bacteria and dreaded viruses need to swarm to the interior of our bodies. Just like skin, hair helps to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. It also helps to supply the Pituitary gland (located in the head) with phosphorous. Phosphorous is an element which is absorbed durin meditation by the Pituitary gland. The hair on our body regulates body temperature and our eye lashes, nostril hairs and ear hairs help to keep out fine dust particles. The research carried out with this end in view has highlighted the fact that hair serves as a factory providin Vitamin D for the body. Vitamin D protects a person against many fatal diseases like tuberculosis and is an essential element for the well bein and health of bones, teeth and the nervous system.

Hair enhances the ability of a human bein to experience God. This can be explained by understandin the workins of electromagnets. An electromagnet consists of an iron rod with a coil of wire wrapped around it. The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by increasin the number of coils. Now in a human bein, there are nine visible inlets/outlets (2 nostrils, 2 ear holes, 1 mouth, 2 eyes, 2 below the waistline). And the 10th inlet is located in the head and is invisible. It is called the 'Brahmarandhra' (endin of the Susuhumna naadi) in the crown. This is where we experience the reality of God in Nirbija Samadhi. This can be considered to be the iron rod. Hairs are like coils of wire which amplify spiritual energy in the 10th inlet. A greater quantity of head hair will lead to more coils in the knot and therefore a higher concentration of spiritual energy. Of course, it is possible to experience God without any head hair like Buddhists. However anythin that helps us to experience God more easily should be welcomed. Hair is essentially a spiritual technology that makes it easier to connect with God and maintain Brahmacharya by helpin effective transmutation. 

Significant research has also revealed that longer the hair, more the production of Vitamin D through the interaction of Sun's heat on hair. All this shows that keepin hair is very important for one's physical as well as mental well-bein. It has also been proved on the basis of experiments that the hair tied in the form of a knot on the top of the head is capable of attractin the maximum heat energy of Sun just as a television antenna has the capacity to hold photo waves from the atmosphere. (Accordin to Tessitas, the ancient Germans also used to tie their long hair into a knot on the top of their heads). This solar energy which is absorbed by the antennae like coils of hair then stimulates the Pineal gland within the brain and helps in the complete and natural awakenin of Kundalini Shakthi by percolatin into the lower chakras from the Sahasrara chakra. If we take into account the cumulative loss suffered generations after generations further to cuttin of bodily hair, it seems certain that trimmin of hair is certainly an impediment in the way of realizin the complete scope of the human intellect and connectin to God.

In the religious literature of the world there is much evidence which suggests that God has created humans with great interest. The Jewish and Christian churches also contain evidence to this effect that God created man in his own image and put his own particle as soul within him. On the basis of all this, it can be easily presumed that God did not add anythin, includin hair, to human body without a definite purpose. Thus, trimmin or cuttin hair amounts to not only declinin the gift given by God but also disfigurin the shape given to man by the Parabrahman (Almighty). This blunder of cuttin and disownin hair has not been made by man since the times of Adam, but the same is in practice only since the last century or so.

Demerits of cuttin bodily hair

If hairs are not trimmed or cut, their length &growth stops automatically after reachin a certain length. In such a situation, hardly 0.5% of the protein that we take in with our daily diet is spent on their upkeep. On the other hand, cut or trimmed hair consumes much more protein because this has to be spent on the regrowth. Hair is mostly made of protein and the growth of hair draws much protein from the human system. Had hair stopped re-growin after havin been trimmed once, there would have been no extra expense of protein. However, keepin in view the multidimensional usefulness and requirement of hair on the human body, God has created within the human body an interestin mechanism to help continuous growth of hair. This mechanism continues bein operational till one breaths one's last. Thus, this mechanism goes on spendin more protein on the re-growth of hair after a person shaves or trims them. Nature does this so as to not deny a person the varied benefits of hair. It seems modern man is busy in shavin off hair under a sort of false/atheistic culture whereas God is ever involved in their growth. God is serious that we should have hair, for he makes it regrow every day in spite of us shavin, while man is careless and oblivious to its necessity.

After comprehensive research, scientists have reached the conclusion that hairs stop growin after havin achieved the level of optimum growth. They remain alive for two to six years. They play an active role durin this period and then gettin weak, fall off as we comb them. This is called the death of hair. There is no use keepin dead hair. However, keepin in view the utmost importance of hair for the human bein, nature is ever ready to replenish these dead hair by sproutin new ones in their place. The importance of hair can also be gauged from the fact that the operation of replacin dead hair with new ones starts immediately and forcefully so that body does not suffer because of their lack. This shows that new and healthy hair on the head and beard of a man is of paramount importance to life. That is why God has created such a wonderful mechanism as a result of which a person continues to be bestowed with healthy hair for long years of his/her life. The fact that hair grows rapidly even after regular trimmin and cuttin implies that God does not approve of the human action of shavin or trimmin hair. The very act goes against nature and goin against nature has severe repercussions.

"Hair is the pranic antenna. It is energy, pure protein. Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been deprivin ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality and spiritual growth”-- Yogi Bhajan*

"Each part of the body includin hair has a highly sensitive work to perform for the survival and well bein of the body as a whole. The body has a reason for every part of itself." -- C. Young
"God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another."
-- Shakespeare

For this reason, ancient Yogis and Rishis never cut hair but let it grow to its natural length. This helped them achieve multi-fold benefits. In all ancient cultures of the world, cuttin of hair is frowned upon. The trend of cuttin bodily hair took momentum only nearin the end of the 19th century. From the Yogic point of view it is well known from the scriptures that the natural growth of a beard and mustache helps cover the 'Chandra Dwara' (lunar center) of a man located in his chin. This center in the tip of his lower jaw is the spot through which people and especially wimmin connect with the man. In the presence of a beard, this spot is fully covered and this regulates the Pranic energy one gives out while interactin with others or when others see him. Only the required amount of energy is given out in the presence of the beard.

In the absence of a beard, a man with a "clean shaven" jawline is unprotected and ungoverned in terms of his Prana (vital energy). His lunar center is fully exposed. This results in the loss of much Ojas, Tejas and Prana when he interacts with people, especially with wimmin. Interaction here doesn't merely refer to talk but also sight. A man without a beard, with a clean shaven jawline becomes vulnerable and susceptible to the feminine energy given out by a woman. This then draws his masculine energy from the lunar center and he becomes defenseless in protectin himself from bein dominated and subjugated by her feminine charms which are an effect of Maya (illusion). He has a high chance of bein mesmerized and stupefied by her female energy. It has been observed that Yogis with a full grown beard and hair have a much lesser chance of losin their calmness, poise and steadiness on the appearance of a woman in the emotional sense. Thus it becomes a worthy tool towards the practice of Brahmacharya by actin as a shield that prevents the loss of Ojas, Tejas and Prana. A woman with sexual intentions cannot easily draw Ojas from the man with a beard.
To begin with, those who shave can stop the activity and grow a small stubble which can then gradually be let to grow as one comes to terms with the concept.
ॐ तत् सत्
(That Supreme bein is the absolute truth)

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