Thursday, June 15, 2017

My progress in pictures

The start

My hair  is lifeless, short, dry and falling down as rain. 

Just as my mood at that time.

Nothing from  what I knew and did  before worked. 

I was depressed and unhappy.

The Mini- Course start

My hair started to live up, as if was thanking  me for finally taking proper care.

And all I did was to implement simple changes
- good shampoo, conditioner and thermal protection
- wooden comb
- special way of  combing my hair

My hair was still weak and dry but it started to GROW!

The Serious work 

My hair is strong, long, shiny and  fels like silk. No hair loss. I dye it with different hair colors, all works.
Less and less dependent on external things, although I use good shampoo, conditioner and thermal protection.
Combing with combs from natural materials.
Doing daily the Structuration  exercises.


 I am  SMILING  πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How to prepare your hair for the summer

Eakterina is in a very sunny mood. Not surprisingly she  prepared a short guide about what to do for you hair in the summer. It is in Russian of course and I will shortly translate what she advises.

Here is what is says:

1. Reevaluate your cosmetics
- trash the old ones
-trash the cheap ones
- trash the SLS containing products

2. Throw away the cheap hair spray and foam
- foam is not good for your hair follicles
- hair spray will dry your hair  and make your hair get worse under the sun

3 Follow daily at least one of the following advises
 as described in  4, 5 6 and 7 

4. Check your nutrition
- make sure you eat enough protein food
- check  your intestinal health and take care of it
- eat oatmeal at least 2-3 times a week 
- drink good quality water

5. Find and save a photo of a  model with  hair you like and hair You want to have. NO need to meditate or visualize on it

6. Chose hair color that makes your soul sing, find same colour in the things you are surrounded by 

7. Smile😊

Have a shiny glossy hair! The one You love and dream of!

Sunny greetings,

And many thanks to Ekaterina, she really made a difference to my hair and not only.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My hair quality becomes visible to the world

It has been more than 6 months since I embarked on the journey to glance hair.
Straight form the beginning, when I was only on the mini-course I started to feel the difference in my hair. Back then I only change the products I used, the plastics combs went away and made space for wooden ones and I stated to comb my hair further down the its physical length. Our hair does not end at its visible physical end, but extends to 17,5 cm. further - the ether ends as Ekaterina calls them. This alone stopped my hair loss and I saw my hair gaining strength and starting growing.

The real change came later when I signed up for a private consultation with Ekaterina and started my still ongoing detox phase. It itself only was a boost to further improving my hair. 2 months with greasy hair told me a lot about the amount of toxins I was extracting and washing out and I was happy I could to this with simple sault procedure and specially chosen hair care products (unfortunately most of them are unknown to the general public who still buy into the marketing promises due to lack of guidance by a specialist). I have written here how to choose your shampoo and why to not trust the sales pitches you see in the ads.

As the time passed and my confidence increased I started to participate in almost all webinars, intensive, practicums and VIP groups on hair (and later on Skin) Ekaterina started to offer to her subscribers in attempt to make her services available and affordable to a broader audience. What worked the most for me was the new course on Structuration of the hair.8 simple treatments /exercises of the hair with my fingers and palms started to work miracles on my hair. It felt like my hair has have been waiting for this course to come and started flourishing. I have witness how my hair started to get stronger, more alive and structured and growing like crazy.
n April 4th 2017 my dear Mom passed away. I was thrown in the worst period of my life, grieving uncontrollably for more than a month and am still trying to cope with the grief now. My hair and my skin did not look their best in the early days after my Mom’s departure from her physical life on Earth. Even more- I was strongly convinced my hair would start falling again- a pattern that had developed since 2015 as my reaction to stress. I kept doing the Structuration exercises- it take10 min a day - in a hope my hair would not fall like a rain, but at a less drastic range. To my big surprise my hair survived this stress and got even better with the time. I attended an interesting webinar on hair as an instrument of influence on life which helped me to divert my attention from the loss and gave me some support in the search of ways to cope with the grief and with the fear of how my life will go on from now on.
A big THANK YOU to Ekaterina who found time  to support me with valuable advise as how to go over the grief and to ow to deal with the loss.

Back home from Bulgaria to Holland not only I went back to work but also started to meet my friends again. And here it began. The first one (who knew my Mom very well )  whom I met immediately told me - ‘Your hair looks better than ever, although I expected you will be a mess after the loss’.  I agreed with her as it was a surprise to me as well -I did looked better than before despite the grief and the difficult time I have now.
The next friend told me the same- in her eyes my hair and skin have greatly improved, she never saw me looking that well.

How you look is the last thing to pay attention to when you are grieving. Yet the world around me started to take notice of the changes in me due to the work with Ekaterina. It is very pleasing to experience and it gives confidence I am on the right track. And it will get even better now I am a part of a VIP group and Ekaterina’s private client. The VIP group is amazing and I am curious to see what more I will get about my hair. But the first big milestone is achieved- the subtle changings  phase is finished, now the world is starting to notice my hair.

This stuff works!

P.S Too pity for the hair forums visitors- they were mostly laughing at what I was telling them, blind to the fact I talked results. The administrators even blocked me for an advertising- as if I can sell something that is not for sale to the general public and is in Russian only. My hair grows and gets better anyway.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Shocking video: From damaged to healthy hair in 2 hours – live show

It is not easy to describe the system of Ekatrina Stankeich, will call her just Ekaterina. Unless you have done it you cannot understand the experience and the results you get by just working with your own hands. 

And here comes Ekaterina- showing live  how to get back to health of a damaged hair. For this she had made an incredible sacrifice- she  intentionally damaged her beautiful healthy shiny hair and in a live reality show restored it back to health with nothing but her hands and wooden comb. 

Even for me , an experienced client who went to almost all workshop and webinars it was an amazing experience. Needles to say – I myself use the ‘’ exercises’’ from the videos to boost my own hair when I think I need it. And every time I do the first part of the process- reanimation- I see the result immediately, especially in my hair ends, which are normally a bit dry ( but in a much better condition then before and do not split at all)

Below is the link to the  video from the 1st  stage of the process- reanimation. I have clipped the part for the left side, the work for the right side is different so do not copy paste it unless you want to purchase the whole show and learn it from there. This is just to show  what unrecognized power we have and what a great pleasure is it to know how to use it.


Monday, January 9, 2017

2016- Recap on actions results and lessons

Well here we are  in 2017!
To  everybody who might step  by to read - Happy New Year!
And Healthy Glossy Hair to you!

It has been a very dynamic year for me-  too  many things to describe . Long story short- I was faced with loss and  with recovery of the same loss.

Hair was almost lost and is now in better shape ever and this is only the beginning. I took some time to  make a small recap of my progress and was amazed to discover that I am only 3 months into a serious work with my hair  and yet it feels like ages! This made me aware that in short 3 months  as a private client and student of Ekaterina's webinar I have achieved so much it feels like a long period of time. Once again I ma faced with the power of what I ma doing and being grateful the hair  lossled  me to Ekaterina and this amazing journey.

Below is a  short overview of what  I have  done and learned, although I cannot put all I did and felt and understood, it is way too much.

Main  insight- Your body is more powerful than you are aware of it! 

Here is the table to have things structured  and easy to follow the progress:

Main takeaway
August 2016- October 2016
Short Course on  obtaining glancing hair

Attending various free seminars of Ekaterina Stankevich
Hair loss drastically reduced,  hair  got back to curly again ( after having being straight from stress), looked better and started to grow in length.

Hair was feeling dry and not smooth when touched yet  there was more “life” in it.
Very interesting feeling- I started to feel I have hair on my head, it was kind of having a nice hat or pet on my head but made of hair. Increased awareness of having hair and gratitude for this

Had troubles with itchy scalp- reduced it by reducing the amount pf coffee and increasing the stress relieve activities. Strongly improved after starting the main course as a private client.

 Understanding the main functionality of the hair- to be our brain’s main information channel.

Appreciation for having this wonderful organ and giving it the care it deserves.

Enjoying the power of my own body responding with  health and grow to a proper way of communicating with it.

Good understanding of the mistakes awe all make when trying to improve the condition of our hair.

October 2016-January 2017
Started as private client of Ekaterina Stankevich.

First phase start – detox of the hair follicles, done by sault and special products.  

Changed the combs as advised. Kept combing as did before and will be doing in the future (unless Ekaterina will give other directions).

First 2 months my hair was getting very greasy very quickly- washed it every other day. Just kept doing what I had to do. 3rd month hair started to be more dry and now washing it every 3 days.

Strong hair growth.

Greyness diminished-  most surprising result and very enjoyable!

Hair dye stays longer – no need for monthly spending on the dye.  

Hair feels like silk- soft and smooth.

The importance of the detox- so many people put all Kinds  of oils on their head without detoxing the follicles- how on Earth can you expect good results?

Having mercy for your hair- we do so many wrong un-appropriate things to our hair and expect it to grow on  demand.   Proper care based on understanding of its physiology and functionality is delivering far more results than all the medicines, oils needles etc. people try in desperate attempt to out some hair on their head.

 Understanding your immune system and your lymphatic system and the role the latter plays on our overall health.
Triple warmer overworking and overstimulating  as one of the  main causes of our health problems today.    (My post on chronic inflammation and how to help your body.)

(In my anti-aging course  by Galina Grossmann the only  video lesson on the hair is a lymph drainage massage- now I understand why)

November- December 2016
3 days intensive workshop on Healthy hair  and purchase of the Structuring our hair course and webinar
Started the “exercises” and saw a quick change in how my hair looked. It started to be more ordered and more styled without styling products.
he texture started to gradually be more soft silk like when touching.

The hair did not get more fat or greasy when touched with my hands and fingers.

Further hair growth.

General relaxation and pleasant feeling of the work. 

My total look got better.

Increased energy- I get up early in the morning and feel great and well slept.

Improved quality of sleep- I feel refreshed when wake up.

Working with the  structure of your hair is working for your health. No single  “exercise” is designed only for the hair, but for the overall health improvement.
Our body responses more to a subtle treatments rather than strong ones- the reason homeopathy works when medicines do not . Same with the “exercises”- they are gentle and pleasant to do and very very effective.

Fitness for the micro-muscles that support hair follicles-  sounds crazy yet it works! This one brings relaxation and   ignites  the self-regenerative power of the body  (more on this to be also obtained from the Key method developed by Hasai Aliev- Russian speaking psychiatrist  specialized in stress reduction and prevention)

Most remarkable take way- the power in you!
No words can describe the feeling of seeing your health and  hair improve by just using your hands ! Yes you need to know how to use them but once familiar with the “exercises” you start experience miracles.  

No wonder people do not believe my story- they are way too conditioned to trust and rely on authorities outside themselves and have no idea of the power inside your body !

Treating the cause not the symptoms-  the only reason why medicines- surgery-masques- do not work. They all focus on the symptoms and treat the hair at a physiological level only. No wonder so very little results and so many money and efforts spent to be only disappointing.

This method is not for everybody. Not because it does not work for everybody ( we all have brains and hair). It is for people who dare to think outside the box and understand the Nature or at least have the courage to observe it even when it acts in contradiction to the common believes.

Best hair to everybody in 2017!