Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hair- Brain Connection and the role it plays in Hair loss

In case you haven’t heard of this of it is still unknown to you – here is it (again.)
Your  Hair is the information channel to your Brain!
And if you still have doubts about this look at yourself in the mirror.  While looking at yourself  ask yourself   WHY? Why do I have Hair? What is its function? And why is it spread all over my head? Why is it in  the company of  my sensory organs- ears, eyes, nose, mouth? Is it by coincidence? Or does the Nature has a  certain plan  for this community? To a great deal the answer to these questions can be found in the teachings of the culture that understands Hair as may be nobody else- The Sikhs.

Here is  a quote from the Hail Hair article (
’’Hair is a characteristic feature of mammals, which are commonly known as 'Hairy quadrupeds' - a group of animals that mark the climax of evolution. Even among mammals, man marks the climax of evolution and possesses the most complex and highly developed brain as well as the longest hair on head. It cannot be a matter of mere chance or a mistake by Nature, because if the tail has been lost, the hair could have been lost too. ( we obviously do not miss the tail but do miss our Hair when we lose it). On the contrary, the hair on the head region in man has increased manifold as compared to other mammals
The dense and long growth of hair on the head region shows that the body is trying to increase the surface area for some particular function.’’

The Hair performs many  functions in our body.

Most obvious and desired one is to beautify us- we all dream of having  of that shiny glossy thick and healthy Hair on our head. And this is not without a reason. 80% of the first impression we make is  through the Hair. It is through the Hair that other people scan us and we do scan the others around us. The rest – clothing, make up, posture, voice etc. - comes after. No wonder  people spend fortunes on hair care, not even understanding why they so desperately want to have good Hair?

Here are the other functions that  Hair performs - back to the Sikhs wisdom:
Trap an insulating layer of still air just outside the skin, and thereby reduce loss of heat by radiation.
Absorb harmful radiations from the sun.
Act as storehouse of trace elements, such as, zinc, chromium, etc.
Act as graveyard of harmful elements, such as, lead, arsenic, etc.
Hair follicles can make androgenic hormones.

As you can see our Hair is really a multi-tasker. Reasons enough to respect it. And yet all the above functions , as important as they are, are  not the MAIN function of our HAIR. Otherwise Nature should  not have put it in so close proximity to the Brain


And if you find it crazy and do not believe it – read the genius Einstein:
Somebody ask Einstein why he is keeping a  horseshoe at is door since he does not believe in signs.
His answer:
I keep it there because it works no matter do I believe in it  or not.

Same with accepting or not the truth about the main functions of your Hair. The hair is the main information channel to your Brain. It is our main informational structure. The main way the brain collects the information from the environment and processes it for our survival. No wonder Hair has increased in area with our evolution. The Nature had its reasons for this.  And a very important reason.  And Nature is not at all interested in your believe in it.

According to WHO 1/3 of the world population is going to experience  hair loss problems in their lives. 2/3 of the population worldwide is experiencing increased hair loss. And the epidemy is ongoing. The cosmetic industry is  rapidly producing one product after another and yet the problem stays. Hair loss is becoming an increasing problem pouring money in all kind of clinics and medicines  with little to no effect except emptying  your wallet. And the results will not come from this avenue simply because it does not addresses the core reason we lose Hair. And the core reason is connected with core function of the Hair – to be our information channel. Not understanding the main functionality of our Hair is causing  us losing it. The better our Hair functions as it is designed to do the more beautiful it is. 

Shiny radiant Hair is possible only when it has restored its main function- to supply information to the Brain. 

No other stuff can do it – not the best shampoo, conditioner, hair clinic,  medicines, natural receipts  etc. Been there, done it, tried it, failed it.

Seeing Mrs’  Stankevich hair start shining when she pulled it was one of the most amazing experience I had. I needed it to see it to fully realize  why she stresses so much on this fundamental fact. And why her main courses are focused on Structuring the Hair - so that it can perform it main function. Being myself on the Structuring your Hair course now I see with amazed eyes the difference it brings to my Hair. The simple touches performed by hands on the head and Hair are bringing every day more structure  and shine to it. Every day I remember myself why I am doing it – to restore that wonderful important function of my Hair which I lost on the way. The best way to get this shiny glossy Hair back on my head!

My best wishes  for  shiny radiant Hair!

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