Monday, November 28, 2016

The disappearance of my grey hair

One of the most remarkable results of my detox phase in my hair  restauration  process is the diminishing of the grey hair .   I have heard that this effect is to be expected when following Mrs. Stankevich’s exercises yet I expected it to come at a far later stage to me. Hence my surprise when I discovered this effect so soon.
On the photos below( mad with my cell phone outside my house without selfie)  I have tried to show the remaining grey hair as well as the starting process of disappearance or the greyness.  The photos are made 1 month  after my last hair dye and 1,5 month on a detox programme.  Before this I would usually start to see grey hair in 3 weeks after dying my hair and the width and intensity would be much bigger than now. I would normally need to dye my hair every 3 to 4 weeks if I did not want to walk around with grey patches in my hair. I was very surprise this time that I did not need to dye my hair even after a month following the last one. My hair looked  pretty acceptable and the grayness in it was not that visible to dye it.  It also means the hair  dye stays longer  saving me money and time on this.

Before I go further here is the verdict of the science on the reasons to have grey  and wite hair ( the link is at the end)

Research to date has confirmed that (1) hair pigmentation is under genetic control, (2) to date, there is no known way to change hair color at the genetic level, and (3) inactivation of hair follicle melanocytes is likely to give most of us gray and white hair as we age.

Let see if I will prove this wrong.
Text Box: In the front line the grey hair is  far less intensive than it used to be. It looks like I am starting with greying. Used to  be as intensive grey as at the temples.

Mrs. Stankevich has stated many times that this effect is only possible when you create a beneficial environment for your hair and a balance in your body.  So it is a good sign altogether signalling the overall health is improving as well. 

The result so far:

On the front line my hair is far less intensive gray. It looks like I am just starting to having  gray hair. used to be very intensive in color and a very wide band .

On the left temple my gray hair diminished in color intensity. The gray area is less broad  then before.

The most visible and intensive in color  gray hair is at the right temple. No surprise- this is the most vulnerable part of our body and   very active in thinking  processes,

 The back of my hair still keeps the color and I do not need to rush to dye it.

Text Box: At the left temple the greyness is far less than on the  right.

Text Box: At the left temple the greyness is far less than on the  right.

As an overall effect in such a short time is is really amazing progress.

Curious how it all will further develop.Esepcially after reading the conslucoins of the scientific world on the grey hair as published in

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